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Sunday, December 17, 2006


YAY!!! Holiday's here. But I've still got some work to do during the hols. Knowing me, I prolly won't get to it till the last week of hols. Anyway, me mum n me sis are coming on Monday, Im so freakin excited. Went to Watford earlier today. And stopped at Sainsbury's on the way back. Spent mostly on ice-cream. Had Baskin-Robbins' Jamoca Fudge (something like that), so good. And bought 2 boxes of Ben&Jerry's at Sainsbury's, saving that for when me mum n sis are here. Can't wait. And got more chocolate. Haven't been up to anything much since the last entry. I bought 2 pairs of Skechers (a pair of boots and a pair of sneakers)......Love 'em!!!! I got the sneakers for GBP 7. Visited the cinema at the Galleria twice. Can't remember the 1st movie I saw, but the 2nd one was Holiday. Nice movie.

Earlier last month, I went to some fireworks display in St Albans (I think they call it Bonfire Night here, not sure la). My housemate invite, ikut aja. Anyway, we went with the people from church.

Later last month, I went to the Christian Union weekend away at Norfolk. No idea where it is. I know its some countryside la. We stayed in this mansion house. We discussed about the Christian faith, played games, and went for a walk along the countryside.

A midget horse

OKla I'm too lazy to post up anymore pics. Takes too long. Anyway, that's about all I've done so far.

>>>Over and out........

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