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Thursday, December 20, 2007

en venezia (in venice)

in venice rite now. (and google is in italian... ooooo) arrived in milan yesterday. took an early train to venice this morning. will be headin to barcelona tomoro and spend christmas at port aventura. yay!!!
hmmm... its been a long time since i last blogged. too lazy... nothing much happend. tried out capoeira n lacrosse. ouch!! checkd out salsa dancin too. went to 2 bday parties. 1st one was a dress up party, dressed up as mulan. 2nd one involved a LOT of alcohol. word of advice: do not have a mixture of different brands of different types of alcohol shots (in a two-shot sized shot glass). went to a halloween party, last minute decision n dressed up as a mafia. a couple of ppl got it rite but one thought i was a cuban pimp (maybe it was bcos i was handcuffed to my friend at the time). my laptop died on me so i got a new one. got one with big harddrive that rams fast. got a part time job as a cook at chilis restaurant.
my parents sent my sis to spend xmas with me. been shoppin a lot and piggin on ben n jerrys n haagen-dazs. am travellin with my sis. had 2 cones of gelato today. im such a pig. n its damn cold here. oh well... too lazy to continue. dont think will have internet connection in barcelona. most likely will be deprived of internet for the rest of the trip. oh well...
Merry Christmas!!! Feliz Navidad!!! Buone Natale!!!
>>>over and out...

1 comment:

Raye said...
