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Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I've been meaning to blog, but was just too lazy to. So I thought I'd just post up a quick entry. These past two nights, my roomate invited me to join some activities hosted by the Christian Union club. Met some interesting people. Some of the locals were impressed by my command in english. One asked where I learned english from. They didn't think Malaysians could speak english, well not that well anyway. And apparently I sound American. Hmmm...... One was amazed by my vocabulary when I said the words drug and sugar-rush. And asked me if there's anything I didn't know. I was kinda stunned by their sakai-ness that my only reply was "thank you". Classes haven't really started yet. I still don't feel like eating. But I do eat like biscuits and fruits but that's about it. I still haven't touched my instant noodles yet. I feel so impoverished over here with the lack of luxuries that I usually get at home. I miss driving around and screaming at the crazy drivers. I miss my bed, my little corner in the study room, TV room, TV, Astro, pirated DVDs, kitchen, toilet, laundry room, living room, air-conds, laksa, kolo mee, chicken rice, RM currency, cooking for the family, Malaysian time, and a whole lot more. There's no place like home. Oh well....
>>>Over and out

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