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Saturday, September 23, 2006

Over 6000 miles away from home......

Yay!! I finally got the internet connection in my room to work. I've always thought Kuching is kampung, this place is more kampung-er. Serian town is busier than the town centre here. ADUH!!! This place is about a half hour train ride from London. I kinda have this phobia of London cos the last time I was there, I got pickpocket-ed. Will be going there this Sunday though. There's no Tesco here. The only supermarket that sells a bunch of stuff here is called ASDA. Never heard of it. It's at the town centre which is about 20 minutes walk from the campus. I so miss the luxuries of home. There is a shopping outlet nearby though but I've only been in there for about 10 seconds. Since I left on Saturday morning, I didn't have enough time to pack. Especially food. Managed to locate a chinese shop at the town centre that sells "Buatan Malaysia" Maggi Mi. How happy was I. But I did bring along two packs of instant noodles that I bought from Changi Airport. Was in transit there for about 11hours. Didn't rest much in the hotel, kept walking up and down the terminal, looking for stuff to buy. Giordano was on sale, so I bought 5 shirts. My aim was to wear myself out so that I could sleep the whole journey through. It worked. I was on the 11.59pm (don't ask.....PELIK!!) Qantas flight to London. Qantas is nice. Anyway, so touchdown at Heathrow. I arrived at Terminal 4 but the pick up service (by the Uni) was at Terminal 3. I had to lug my luggages to the train which took me to Terminal 3. When I got to Terminal 3, I had to push my luggages UP the ramp to get to the arrival hall. Met up with the pick up service there, and later went to the Uni. Arrived at the Uni and checked into my room. Found out that the stove in the kitchen has to be lit with matches, the starter button doesn't work. Adoi!!! Good thing I had plenty of practice lighting the Bunsen Burner. Not only that, the water isn't chlorine treated, so it shows some powdery substance when boiled, I thought something was wrong with the pan I bought when I boiled the water with it. Oh and the oven has no heating coils, it operates on fire to heat it up. Actual fire in the oven. That's a first. Haven't been eating much for these past few days. More like makan pagi kais pagi, makan petang kais petang. Kinda lazy to cook. Even if its just instant noodles. There's a refectory (ie canteen), and the uni shop sells frozen food....so okla. Asalkan got eat something, cukupla. OKla...malas to continue.>>>Over and out....

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